It’s a Mary J. Blige sort of thing

This morning I checked the ol’ elfeed, what I use for RSS. I saw a post from one of the few personal blogs I follow that posts regularly and the author, let’s call them Flep, was complaining about something kind of very clearly from a frustrated perspective. Like, Flep clearly encountered something, got pretty annoyed by it, and just had to write about it. Almost like what’s happening here, except I’m not especially annoyed. Instead, I’m kind of amused.

See, I was going to reach out to Flep and be like, “Oh hey, you’re clearly very upset about this. But have you considered this other perspective, maybe you wouldn’t be so upset if you did.” But then, I thought, “EYE hardly care about this, why should Flep?” And that made me think of that song, “Be Happy” by Mary J. Blige. You probably know the one.

I think about it a lot because, being so online, I often get right to the edge of responding to something someone’s said on The Internette, but then don’t. Because usually, I struggle to understand why anyone should care about what I have to say when I barely care about it.

Have I already written this post? Am I five posts into this blog and already repeating things? Somebody get the spanking pen!